
Thursday, August 10, 2017

HELLO ROOM 4 - Term 3 Week 3

Some of you asked me if I could share the last X-ray I had taken.
Here it is and also a photo of my plastered and bandaged arm.
My arm gets very heavy if I walk for a long time.
Next week I go and visit the bone doctor. Yay..... 
I have my fingers crossed the plaster and bandages might be taken off.

                                                      Can you see the two bones starting to mend?


  1. Hello Mrs Law. This is Room 3 from your favourite school. We hope you are feeling OK with your broken arm and that it is not too sore. We really miss you being in Room 4 because you always make us laugh. We hope you are covering up your cast in the shower so it doesn't get wet. We hope Mr Law is making you lots of cups of tea - don't forget to ring the bell Miss Lane gave you. What type of things are you doing at home each day to keep busy?
    We have been learning to write good blog comments. Can you see something kind? Something helpful? And a question?
    We miss you Mrs Law
    Love Room 3

  2. Hi Room 3
    Yay..... what a lovely surprise from all of you in Room 3 and your FAB TEACHER Miss Lane! What a kind thoughtful blog comment. You asked me a super question and
    gave me some helpful advice - reminding me to use the bell Miss Lane gave me!

    Thanks for asking about my arm. Do you know I have been using only one arm for 9 weeks... that's a long time. Maybe one day Miss lane might get you to try doing your work with only one arm so you will know how tricky it is!

    Yes, Mr Law (Michael) has been making cups of tea for me. Before he goes to work each morning he brings me a cup of tea while I am in bed. I like that, then I read the news on my phone or read a book for a while before I CRAWL out of bed!

    I try to keep busy. Everything I do takes much longer because I can only use one arm.If the weather is nice some times I go for a walk.. Exercise is good for that cheeky Miss Lane knows! I also read books and sometimes my friends come and visit and take me out for coffee.

    I am missing all you kids though ..... and the fab teachers at school. I think I'm going to be coming in one day soon to do some paoier mache with that cheeky teacher of yours....!!

    Keep laughing and remember to take care of each other.
    Love Mrs Law
