
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thumpa and Twitch

Instead of baby sitting, I have been 'rabbit sitting'!!
Thumpa and Twitch are Engelique's and Lucas' pets.
Thumpa is grey and Twitch is creamy.  They are very cute and becoming very tame. At night time they love to run, jump and leap while they are playing. They are very good friends and sometimes even lick and wash each other!
Make sure Room 4 you are still being friends with everyone... but you don't need to wash and lick each other like Thumpa and Twitch!
Love from Mrs Law

Sleepy afternoon nap time


  1. We have completed some descriptive writing about Thumpa and Twitch Mrs Law! Miss McGrath showed us the other photos that you sent to us. Maybe we could post some of our writing on this blog. Or Miss McGrath could bring you our books to have a look at. We hope you are starting to feel a bit better with your bad arm. Love from R4 xxx

  2. Hi Room4 and Miss McGrath
    Ohhh I can't wait to read your stories....maybe I could read them to Thumpa and Twitch.
    If Miss MGrath has time, she might publish a couple of stories on our blog so they can be shared with your parents, and me.

    Tonight Twitch was having a cuddle with Lucas and he nibbled a wee hole in his jumper!!
    Oh dear what a rabbity rabbit!

    Bye for now......Mrs Law x

  3. Those rabbits look pretty cute mrs Law. I know a certain young lad who would love to give them a cuddle!
