
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Fun with Mrs Shinn!

Room 4 loves to visit other teachers and classrooms as part of our Junior Developmental Play programme. Yesterday, we were very lucky to visit Mrs Shinn in Room 1. Our focus Key Competency was Thinking - we had to ask each other lots of questions! Some examples of the types of questions we asked are:

  • What are you making? 
  • How did you do that? 
  • Could you show me how to do that? 
  • Could you help me to do that too please?

As well as 'Thinking' these activities also helped us build upon our skills of Participating and Contributing. It is really important for us to join in and help each other - we are getting very good at this!

Thanks Mrs Shinn for helping us with our learning!


  1. Room 4 you were excellent learners this week. We were all sad when it was time to pack away.... I am looking forward to meeting up with you again soon!

    Keep on thinking of those questions to ask!

  2. Dear Room 4,
    it's nice to see that you trained "Thinking" with so much fun in Room 1.
    I have a conundrum for you to think about:
    "Take off my skin, and I won’t cry, but you will. What am I?"

    Kind regards

  3. Wow Room looks like you all had a fabulous learning time with Mrs Shinn.
    Thanks Mrs Shinn for taking such SHINING SHINNY care of gorgeous Room 4.

    Love Mrs Law x

  4. What fabulous creations you produced by working and thinks no together, Room 4! Well done!

  5. Hi Room 4. My name is Chimay and I am a student in Hauraki at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like the way you added a lot of detail about making your paper cats. It makes me think of when I went to the shop in Auckland and I did some origami. Next time you could put in eyes and ears on the cats! If you would like to see my learning, my blog is
