
Thursday, February 21, 2019


         Cybersmart with Gerhard
Each Thursday Gerhard visits our classroom for our Cybersmart learning. He helps us  and guides us how to look after our chromebooks safely and use them responsibly.  This is our Kawa of Care.

Today we learnt how to SMRF a document. These are the steps we follow.
We have practised....
-moving around safely
-holding our chromebooks with our thumbs up
-typing gently on the screen
-placing the chromebook -carefully and safely on a table with two hands
-logging off the chromebook when we have finished   
-storing it safely

Monday, February 11, 2019


The 2019 school year started for Mokoroa on the 7th February. We are part of a shared learning space with the students of Kaiwhare, along with Mr Riceman and Mrs McLellan.

It was a very exciting first day.  We spent time getting to know our new friends and class mates making connections with others in our syndicate, 
Te Ano Ako. 

Soon it was time to get our new chromebooks.  This was very exciting!  After we opened our chromebooks and set up our details we then explored our new syndicate site.  
We are really looking forward to sharing our learning with you on our blogs. Please check regularly to see what we have been doing.  It is going to be a great much learning for all of us.